Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How old do I have to be to participate?
A: You must be at least 18 years old and under 23 years old by the date specified on the RYEP application.
Q: What nationalities can apply?
A: Only Russian citizens, who live in Russia, are eligible for the program.
Q: Do I have to be interested in environmental stewardship?
A: Yes. Otherwise, you won’t benefit from the program.
Q: Are there any fees? Do I have to pay for anything?
A: RYEP covers all necessary costs for the program, including roundtrip international airfare and domestic airfare, meals, accommodation, health insurance, and living stipends.
Q: How can I apply?
A: The RYEP Program is not currently accepting applications. If the program continues in 2025, an announcement about the application process will be made on the homepage of our website and social media pages.
Q: What documents do I need to apply?
A photocopy of your high school transcripts;
A photocopy of your university transcripts (with a copy translated in English);
A photocopy of your international passport (or internal Russian passport if you do not yet have an international passport);
A motivational essay detailing your interest in environmental stewardship and your ideal community service project.
Q: When will the program take place?
A: RYEP will take place over 4 weeks in June-July. Finalists must also commit to traveling to a third country in spring or early summer to receive a visa, and to spending time implementing their community service project for 1-2 weeks following their return from the United States. Exact dates will be provided further into the selection process.
Q: Where in the U.S. will the program take place?
A: Participants will attend workshops at a university in the U.S. and stay with a local host family. Host cities and universities vary. In the final week of the program, participants will travel to Washington, DC for a closing session comprising workshops and visits to various cultural sites.